
About Me

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Blurry line separates 'sweating the small stuff' and plain laziness...

I Googled 'cutting your own hair'. After the first site I clicked on I instantly realized that the internet does in fact 'know all' except common sense which (ironically) I did not use. It pretty much consists of taking scissors too your hair and cutting it.  I started thinking about how this relates to my favorite pair of pants. Through skateboarding, and rigorous/extensive wearing, they received two enormous holes in the back pockets. Pretty soon my underwear started getting large holes in the same area since there was no jean material too protect them, so now I have to coordinate my underwear with my jeans so that my bare ass doesn't shine through. Sometimes it's hard to think of things like getting a haircut, or buying new underwear unless it's right their in front of your face... or maybe it's something entirely different, because I have really long hair.


Brett Ortgiesen said...

Sounds like quite the self-inflicted problem you have going on there. Maybe you should consider just wearing chainmail underwear, its a one time purchase, fits every pant color arrangement, and it would be like training with weights. Your power level will increase by at least 10 points if you ever take them off.

bgraham said...
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Randall H. Sloot said...

Hey man, your bro says you're looking for a place to stay for a couple months, and it just so happens we are looking for another roommate in our house until the end of June. I know you would have to give up your posh downtown address for an eastside one, but I think it could be a pretty cool situation. Suzye is going to Australia for a couple months and is trying to find someone. Give me a call @ (509)432-4814 if you are interested. Rent would be pretty cheap too.