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Monday, July 18, 2011

Skate Mental Deck Contest

A skateboard deck company, Skate Mental, is having a contest to design a deck graphic for 'em. Business has been a wee-bit slow lately, so I thought I'd give it a go. I haven't drawn anything in a while. After having serious creative block, I decided to paint one of my favorite characters, Arnold Schwarzennegger, in one of my favorite movies. This is a picture of Quaid (or Howser, depending on how far into the movie you are) from Total Recall. Although, this isn't quite accurate, Quaid (or Howser) is actually stuck in the Total Recall chair when he tell's Cohagen to, "GIVDISPEEPL EYRE". I also wanted to incorporate the scene where Arnie is sucked into the vacum of Mars and there's an awesome shot of a rubber, molded Arnie face, profusely sweating, with his eye's popping out, yelling out some classic Arnie garble, "EEAAAGGGUHH GEEAHHH DU DU DU GEAHHHH!"